In the beginning of September 2022, 10 art happenings happened across the area known as Storkriket here in Sweden during the annual festival known as The Biosphere Festival. The project was known as The Green Heritage Story (Växande historia in Swedish) and focused on the biological cultural heritage. During the art happenings audience could participate in a plethora of activities, including performances, workshops, walks and exhibitions.
Behind the 10 art happenings where
11 participants selected by ARNA. 2 international residence artists, Sarah Spitzer from Germany and Pitiwat Somthai from Thailand and 9 Swedish participants, Annelie
Nilsson, Ebba Gyllenhak, Erik Tylhammar Johansson, Fredrik Nordin,
Gunnel Pettersson, Moa Gustafsson Söndergaard, Nicklas Hultman, Rita
Winde and Timo Menke.
See the video with a collage from the art happenings.
Biological cultural heritage tells a story with man as an actor, it is our green heritage history. Since the story is conveyed by something living, it is in the nature of things that a biological cultural heritage is in constant change - it can be short-lived but it can also survive for centuries, perhaps for millennia.
The Swedish National Heritage Board describes the biological cultural heritage as a living archive that carries stories about man's way of using nature and that connects history and biology, man and nature.
For preservation of both natural and cultural heritage we need more interpretations to visualize our human history as an interaction with nature.
Link to scientific article about biological cultural heritage
Kulturens Östarp is a unique open-air museum and one of two cultural reserves in the region of Skåne. It is located in a rolling and scenic landscape in the southwestern parts of the Vomb Basin. Kulturens Östarp is part of the older village Östarp which has been known since 1530. Around Kulturen's Östarp are older farm environments and a small broken agricultural landscape with small fields, meadows, fences and grazing cows that are reminiscent of old-time farming. Unusual meadow flowers and wild bees mingle here with old landraces of many animal species. The area is owned and managed since 1924 by the museum Kulturen i Lund.
Rich natural and cultural values form the basis for the collaboration between three municipalities to develop a Unesco biosphere reserve named Storkriket. Biosphere reserves are model areas for sustainable develpment through testing new ideas and creating cross-sectoral collaborations. ARNA's vision for Storkriket is for it to become an international model area for how the cultural dimension of sustainability contributes to new thinking and innovation for a sustainable future. Read more about the biosphere development on its website. Click on "translate" in the lower right corner for English.
The ARNA-project Växande historia with Green Heritage Story
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