About ARNA

ARNA, Art and Nature, is an association that explores the relationship between nature and man through art.

Our base in the world is the future UNESCO biosphere reserve Storkriket in the south of Sweden, and here we work for innovation in a sustainable future.

We work through the cultural dimension of sustainability

Unesco describes the cultural dimension as the fourth pillar of sustainability and equal ecological, economic and social sustainability.
Our goal is to translate theories into practical work and test how the cultural dimension can contribute to transformation and sustainable development in a concrete place in the world. We therefore link all our projects to the Vombsänkan in southern Sweden and we therefore know that our work through the cultural dimension has contributed to the area now being a candidate to become a UNESCO biosphere reserve, the Stork Kingdom.

Our vision is that Storkriket becomes the world's first biosphere area to profile itself through the cultural dimension and a test bed for existential sustainability.

Cooperation creates development

ARNA's work has led to a unique competence within the cultural dimension of sustainability which, in addition to project activities, contributes in various ways to development in the Storkriket.

Brochure on the cultural dimension of sustainability within the project Together for the Vombsjösänkan biosphere reserve.

ARNA took the initiative for the biosphere candidacy to create Sweden's, perhaps the world's, first Biosphere Festival in 2021. Also in September 2022, a Biosphere Festival was held which welcomed the audience to participate in around 80 program items.

The story of ARNA

In 2009, a project was initiated in the Harlösa area in Skåne to support sustainable development in an area with high natural values ​​through culture. The project's purpose was to work for local development to be enriched with international perspectives. In 2011, the project led to ARNA starting one of Sweden's first international artists in residence. In the same year, the non-profit association ARNA (art & nature) was also formed.

With the goal of making a real impression on the area's sustainable development, the local anchoring has been important for our association. Thus, it was also a matter of course that ARNA became involved in the development of a UNESCO biosphere reserve in Vombsänkan, a process which, through a collaboration between the three municipalities of Lund, Eslöv and Sjöbo, led to the biosphere candidacy Storkriket.

ARNA's target groups are residents of Vombsänkan, especially with a focus on children and young people, as well as international cultural workers with an interest in nature and sustainable development.

Over the years, ARNA has run a long series of residencies, projects and cultural activities. With great non-profit commitment and through project support from many different organizations, our association has built up a unique competence within the cultural dimension of sustainability.

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Allmänna arvsfonden
Eslövs kommun
European Culture Foundation
Leader Lundaland
Lunds kommun
Region Skåne
Svenska institutet
Science Village Scandinavia
Sjöbo kommun
Sparbanksstiftelsen Färs & Frosta
Sparbanksstiftelsen Öresund