The landscape as a Designed living environment
The association ARNA works in Vombsjösänkan through the cultural dimension of sustainability. We build cross-sectoral collaborations to explore new ways for culture to strengthen sustainable development. The purpose of the project The landscape as a designed living environment has been to create discussions about the new policy area Designed living environment in the borderland between urban and rural areas. The starting point we have taken is that development takes place in a movement through time in an interaction with history and surrounding natural resources and that we humans are affected by, and affect, the places where we live and work.
Concluding film about the project The landscape as a designed living environment
The project invited to discussions about how we humans affect, and are affected by, our surroundings
As co-creators in the project we invited five designers and artists.Their task was to create three examples of the interaction between man and environment in suburban landscapes; in the encounter with the cultural heritage, the trees and the wildlife. These interpretations were formed into activities that put the good conversation at the center of public activities during Vombsjösänkan's Biosphere Festival in September 2021. Three short films Below (in Swedish) invited the public to participate in the activities.
Three examples to spark conversations about Designed living environment in landscapes close to cities
Kristina Schultz och Johan Lindberg
The great importance of trees for urban environments was the basis for Kristina Schultz and Johan Lindberg's example and was formed into an art work, a seat, for the new Nobel Park at Brunnshög on the outskirts of Lund. At the inauguration on 17 September 2021, the cultural history of the grove was discussed, the use of trees for both shade and meeting place in parks today and that through research we gain an increasing understanding of trees and participation. Participated in the sharing knowledges and ideas did: Nina Lindegaard who is a landscape architect, Allan Gunnarsson who is a university lecturer at SLU Alnarp and who has researched in garden, park and cultural landscape history and Ylva van Meeningen who has researched what trees communicate, with each other and with us humans, through volatile topics.
Tom Pihl
Landmärken, farleder & smultronställen
Tom Pihl set out with the film camera and explored the cultural heritage of the suburbs on the countryside and met inhabitants of today in the small villages along the Kävlinge River. September 18, 2021
at Kalk GALLERY in Hammarlunda, the sharing of experiences continued togeether with the audience during the premiere of the short film Landmärken,
Farleder & Strawberry places. "An artistic consideration of the Designed living environment between Gårdstånga and Hammarlunda. In
the main roles: The railway, The river, The country road and Man. Past tense, Present, Future. "
Anna Berg och Maj Persson
Mångfaldens mönster
The willow was used as an example to create conversations about how rich, but for most people quite unknown, the plant and animal life is in our immediate environment. In the activity, the public was invited to create the artwork "The pattern of diversity" at the field station Stensofa's wall during conversations with the designers and biologists Anna Berg and Maj Persson. The mural remains and perhaps the number of life forms in the willow branches will continue to grow in number at other times.
The activity was held at the Department of Biology at Lund University's research station Stensoffa on 12 September 2021. Participated in conversations about the connections in nature: Professor Jan-Åke Nilsson, Professor Staffan Bensch, doctoral student Johan K. Jensen, Dr. Patrik Karell and Dr. Rachel Muheim.
Concluding workshop about Designed living environment in urban countryside
The project ended in March 2022 with a workshop in collaboration with the Strategy Unit in Sjöbo municipality. The workshop discussed how and in which places the competencies within Designed living environment can contribute to the development of sustainable living environments in the important borderland between urban planning and rural development.
More information about Designed living environment
The introductory film for the ARNA-project Landscape as a designed living environment.
Read more about the Vombsjösänkan's candidacy for the UNESCO biosphere reserve
Read more about Designed living environment (Swedish)
Region Skåne
Form Design Centeri Malmö – Nod för gestaltad livsmiljö
Statens konstråd
The landscape as a designed living environment
Project manager: Kerstin Jakobsson
Film och photo: Nille Leander
Thank you for your participation!
Kristina Schultz och Johan Lindberg
Thorkel Ingers, Axel Pihl och Edvin Lysgaard
Form Design Center i Malmö - nationell nod för gestaltad livsmiljö
Lunds universitet via Biologiska institutionen, Kalk GALLERY och Brunnshögsprojektet i Lunds kommun
Sven Malmborg for help with a veteran tractor
Thanks for the good cooperation!
The organizers of the Biosphere Festival: Projektet Tillsammans för biosfärområde Vombsjösänkan och Kandidaturprojektet för biosfärområde Vombsjösänkan 802462-7047
Kontorshuset Lidvägen 16
24164 Harlösa